
I'm Praneel

a programmer / aspiring web developer / white hat hacker

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Hi, my name is Praneel Jimmy and I am a college student curently 18 years old and I am pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science at VIT,Vellore University.

My Skills

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I have been coding in C++ for around two years now and am pretty good in it if I do say so myself. I've recently started learning JAVA too and hope to excel in it as well.

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I love playing games be it either on a console or a PC. Some of my favourite games include God Of War, Infamous Second Son, The Tomb Raider Series and FIFA.
I am also very enthusiastic about building computers. I've been motivated by several Youtube PC builders like Linus Sebastian, JayzTwoCents, Bitwit, TechSource, Austin and a few others.

Get In Touch

Like playing games and coding?

If you like playing games and coding as much as me, do contact me at any of the links given below and I'll see if I can make something happen.
Until then, See you Later!!!

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© March 2020 Praneel Jimmy.